New Protagonist Network
New technologies need new stories. New stories need new protagonists.
The New Protagonist Network is an emerging community of visionaries working in AI politics and power.
We support New Protagonists to build media power — and to dislodge the AI business men who have colonised public imagination.
Over and over it’s the same talking heads...

…and they’re all spinning the same tired rhetoric. AI will have so many potential benefits you can’t even imagine! What are they? Hop aboard the inevitability train and then you’ll understand.

We need new voices who can talk sense on the possibilities of new technology. If you work on issues of tech and society, and want to become media savvy, consider spending some time in the New Protagonist Network.

Here’s what we do:

• Get you media ready so you can appear more frequently on panels & interviews, and in more high-profile media contexts.
• Help you sharpen your message. You’re an expert, which means it takes work to be understood.
• Win news cycles. We’re building the network so you can work with others to own key moments on the AI politics agenda.